Happy new year!

Caroline Kagendo Githinji
2 min readJan 11, 2021


Not too late, am I?

2020 wasn’t what I expected. It isn’t what anyone expected. We had so much hope for a turning point and new opportunities for the turn of a decade but we could not have anticipated what happened instead.

If nothing else, 2020 taught us that life can change in a second. That we have no control of the future. The smartest AI, predictive modeling, data and research, astrologers, clairvoyants, didn’t think a pandemic would have the whole world at a standstill, at a pivot, at a reckoning.

Time is fleeting and the only thing we can control is the present moment and that’s why I’m a proponent of mindfulness and intentional living.

One of my intentions this year is to continue to build on the work that I started with coaching and facilitating life-changing conversations. After hosting ten (10) Dinner Confidential conversations on Fear, Guilt, Self Confidence, Pleasure, and Vulnerability, I recognized the powerful impact of creating safe spaces and holding space for womxn to have courageous and compassionate conversations. You have to admit that the power of active listening is the basis for empathy and establishing strong connections.

There was always a glass of wine nearby :)
Strong support from Veronica, DC Founder

We closed the year off with two emotional 2020 review sessions that also made it clear that we need each other and it’s not really that difficult to be there for each other as long as we approach our connections with grace and vulnerability.

I’m hopeful about 2021 and I’m looking forward to having more of you as part of this identity strengthening movement that we are creating.

What are you hopeful for this year? I’d like to hear.

Sending you love and courage.




Caroline Kagendo Githinji

Independent consultant and start up founder, passionate & intentional about creating spaces and holding space for womxn to form authentic & powerful connections